5 Fun Baby Shower Games
Are you hosting a babyshower or planning your own? If so, don’t skip on games. Nothing gets guests out of their seats and full of baby fever like these five festive games. Read on to learn how to play them and what you need to ensure your guests have a good time (and leave with some great prizes!).
1. Guess the Baby
A tame game that is still full of fun, Guess the Baby requires each guest to bring a baby picture of themselves. Arrange the pictures on a bulletin board and assign each picture a number. Throughout the shower, invite guests to come up to the board and make their baby guest guesses. The person who guesses the most correctly can win a prize!

Source: Pinterest
2. Smell the Diaper
Not tame or for the weak of heart, Smell the Diaper will get plenty of laughs! Separate the party into two teams. Ensure that each guest gets a “soiled” diaper. Fill each diaper with something that they need to guess by smell only. For example, you can fill a diaper with mayonnaise, or Old Spice deodorant. Only fill each diaper with one object/scent. The team that gets the most guesses correct wins!

Source: Momjunction
3. Swaddle the Baby
Invite 5 willing participants to sit at a table in front of the group. Blindfold each person and place a baby doll in front of each of them. Place a swaddle blanket to the right of each doll. Determine who can properly swaddle a baby fastest while blindfolded! Take plenty of pictures because this game is sure funny.

Source: Mom Loves Best
4. Guess the Candy Bar
Obtain 10 different chocolate candy bars. Smash one candy bar into a diaper. You should have a total of 10 diapers sitting on a table. Invite guests up to see if they can figure out which candy bar is in which diaper (it may be best to save this game for after dessert!).

Source: Time For The Holidays
5. Rubber Ducky Raffle
Place a bunch of rubber duckies into a large tub filled with water. Make sure each duck has a number on its underside. Ask each guest to take a duck as they arrive. Before opening gifts or enjoying your meal, call out 10 numbers. The guests who have the numerical match on the bottom of their duck win a prize!

Source: Wisconsin Rapids City Times
In conclusion, there is a wide variety of games to be played at baby showers. Some are wildly gross, while others are a bit more subdued and sophisticated. Regardless of which games you choose, consider the five above for your next soiree!