We now have 5 riff raffs and counting.
These are the best things ever. We have used ours since bringing her home. Being a nicu baby they get so used to sounds and noises that they learn to soothe in there. When we brought our Oakleigh home we forgot this was gifted to us by her aunty. And we had a very rough 1st night. 2nd day in we remembered!! Since then bed time and sleep has been so much easier! After we do our bed time routine, it's into our Pjs, into bed and a snuggle with our riff raff sends us off to sleep BY OURSELF! I think without this we wouldn't have had such a easy transition into self settling at bed time! I would recommend a riff raff to anyone 1000x over! We Never leave home without them! From helping to settle at home with bedtime routine to settling in the car! Riff raff has never failed us!