Packing your Hospital Bag - Part 1
The Ultimate Labor List
If this is your first baby, you may be thinking “what exactly do I need to pack for labour?”. It can be super confusing because well, we’ve been there done that! Don’t fret though mama to be, we’ve got it all covered in a handy little list for you below.
Side note, remember birth is a massive accomplishment. You’ll be tired, sore [actually, most likely, very sore] and you should try and rest and recuperate as much as you can in the hospital because once you get home? You might not have that chance. Our list is focussed on the items that will help you through the labour, this is your Everest and we want you to be prepared!
Your birth plan, maternity notes and any specific documentation you have surrounding your pregnancy. You’ll be bombarded with questions once you’re in the birthing suite so it’s ideal to have these handy and save your breath explaining it all.
Birthing clothing: we’re not gonna lie. You’ll probably get goop of some description on it so aim for dark colours or patterns to hide the stains. If you prefer, you can birth naked but it’s nice to have an option that isn’t a hospital gown.
Slippers or warm socks and a robe: you may like to pace up and down the ward to alleviate the pain of contractions and we’re sure you don’t want to do that bit nudie! Both times I forgot and my feet were always freezing!
Board Shorts / Swimwear for your partner: While we’re talking about being nude, it’s totally acceptable for YOU to be in the nud however, your partner will need to remain clothed at all times. We can hear you saying “well DUH!” but many a dads to be have found themselves caught out with no appropriate clothing at the ready when asked to jump in the shower / birthing pool to assist their lovely partners. So bring board shorts at the very least.
Essential Oils, Face Mist, Lovely Smelling Lotion: Think lavender oil, rosewater face mist and mandarin-infused lotion and the like. Let's face it these might not do a lot in the throes of hectic contractions but every bit counts and they may really help you feel relaxed and comfortable in the earlier stages.
Music: this can really change the atmosphere of the room. If you have a portable speaker, bring it along. Hint: perhaps create a playlist before birth. One of our husbands took this upon himself and added ‘Push It” by Salt and Pepper. The lovely lady almost pushed her husband out of the room upon hearing it!
Snacks: you may think eating won’t be a priority once you’re in the birthing suite but we’re here to tell you, you can be stuck in that room forEVER and pregnant ladies, well they need their snacks. We suggest a wide array of carbs [marathon remember] and natural sugars such as: muesli bars, bliss balls, dried fruit, nuts and maybe some unnatural sugars for when the going gets tough. Chocolate and lollies should do the trick nicely. Don’t forget snacks for hubby! You don’t want him disappearing to hunt down a burger (real life experience).
Things to help you pass the time: contractions can be all over the shop to begin with so you may have half an hour or so to kill in between. Bring your phone, magazines, a book or even a few games to take your mind off the looming contractions.
A phone charger: most of us document big moments with our phones now so don’t let yours run out of battery! Phone charger is a must.
All of your toiletries: Your post birth shower will be both amazing [there’s nothing quite like feeling clean after all the messiness of birth] and kinda terrifying. You may need a midwife or your partner to assist you which you won’t be used to. You may be in too much pain to stand. That’s all cool. Just remember to bring your favourite soaps, moisturizers and so on so you feel like YOU post birth.
Maternity Pads: You’ll need a heap of these but make sure you’ve got one ready for immediately post birth. My first time: ‘Surely I won’t need more than one packet of these’. Second time: ‘Can I have these 6 boxes of giant pads?’
- A post birth ‘outfit’: The aim of the game is to choose something comfortable and something you wouldn’t mind the world seeing you in. You should prepare for visitors the moment your little bundle arrives because well, they won’t be able to stop themselves! So maybe not your ratty tshirt with holes in it.
The MOST important thing to bring with you when giving birth… An open mind. Giving birth is scary and when life is scary it helps to try and have control. This is one situation where your plan that you have spent months thinking about just might not work out. I was going to stay at home for as long as I could (my waters broke with no contractions), I was never going to be induced (after 18 hours of broken waters and no contractions in went the drip) and I was NEVER going to have an epidural (epidural was in before my husband got back from Huxtaburger. And the bigger questions is why was he at Huxtaburger while I was in labour!?). The whole thing was topped off with some super hectic blood-everywhere stuff post delivery.
Evie’s birth looked nothing like what I thought it would and yet it was one on the most incredible experiences of my life. It doesn’t matter how you get there but having an open mind can help you balance it all in your mind when everything is said and done.. Safe baby, safe mumma, all that matters.
One last piece of advice? However you birth your baby, c-section, all the drugs, none of the drugs, long labour, short labour and everything in between, you are a FREAKING warrior woman! You should be filled full of pride at what your body has accomplished. Don’t let anyone tell you any different EVER.
Packing your Hospital Bag Part 2 ( for bubba) will be along soon!
Wishing you all the love and peace in the world Mama!
Love Em & The Riff, Raff & Co Team x