When It's Not Love At First Sight...
We get a lot of amazing reviews. So if your bub is a bub who does not instantly fall in love with their Riff Raff & Co sleep toy it can be frustrating but it takes time for plenty of bubs. Lots of bubs don't warm to a comforter quickly - my own daughter Evie was one of them. It takes time and above anything it takes persistance. And it is worth it....
Why Would I Do This? When a SAHM (Stay At Home Mum) Designs a Sleep Toy...
I AM MAD (not like angry-mad, more a bit crazy-mad) Sometimes I can seem a little mad. I am pretty sure that is what my husband was thinking when I finally quit my job to make a sleep toy. I had been on maternity leave for 3 years by that stage, so I don't think anyone was particularly surprised that I wasn't going back to my HR job. We had...