Sustainable Sleep From The Start
It is well known that quality sleep is undoubtably a fundamental element in an infant’s healthy development. From their busy brain to their tiny tummy, there are incredible amounts of growth and development that happens when your baby gets good quality sleep. Therefore, it absolutely makes sense to create healthy sleep habits for your little one from the very beginning. After all, our babies only know what we teach them...
Crib to Bed Transitions - Tara's Top Tips
Choose your timing wisely. The most common reason I see cot to bed transitions fail is because the move to the bed has been done when your little one is too young. I recommend making the transition when your little ones are 2 ½ years old and over. In fact, the closer to 3 years the better. This is for a few reasons. Firstly, we want your little one to...
Why Don't They Play All Night?
One common concern people have before purchasing our toy is ‘Why doesn’t it play all night?’ ‘Why does it not play all night?
This toy is not designed to ‘put your baby to sleep’. We believe sleep and healthy sleep habits are a lifelong skill - a journey that starts as a tiny infant and goes on throughout adulthood.
When Your Day Doesn't Go To Plan...
It’s no secret that infants and children thrive off routine and consistency in their day to day activities. They LOVE a predictable world and it’s no different when it comes to their sleep habits. Routines and great sleep certainly go hand in hand. As parents, we naturally become accustomed to and reliant on our routines and the routines of our children too.
Four of Tara's Top Tips for Naps
1. Watch out for micro-sleeps! It’s really important to make sure your little one isn’t taking opportunities in their awake period to doze, lull or wind down. The reason is that this can absolutely cause them to gain a second wind and resist sleep time ahead. So if your little one is getting even remotely drowsy or really lulling on a feed, it’s likely that once they finish that they...
Tara's top tips to a great bedtime routine
Second Wind Woes – Firstly I typically don’t recommend winding little ones down before bed. I find this can often lead to a problematic second wind. Have you ever noticed after a feed or TV your little one springs back up as if they have recharged, yet we are thinking its bedtime. The other problem with winding little ones down too much is it may mean you are playing a...
Keeping Toddlers in Their Bed
I get this question all of the time. “My 3 year old keeps coming out of their bed, how can I keep them in there”, or “ I have to sit with my little one until they fall asleep but this can take hours”. It can be a really frustrating process so here are my top tips to help tackle this issue. TOO SOON - Firstly I recommend not making...
Packing your Hospital Bag #1 - For Labour
Packing your Hospital Bag - Part 1 The Ultimate Labor List If this is your first baby, you may be thinking “what exactly do I need to pack for labour?”. It can be super confusing because well, we’ve been there done that! Don’t fret though mama to be, we’ve got it all covered in a handy little list for you below. Side note, remember birth is a massive accomplishment. You’ll...
2 Years of Riff Raff: Starting a Business, Making It Grow and All Ff It's Challenges
Happy 2nd Birthday Riff Raff & Co.: here’s 16 Q & A’s with Emma to celebrate! To mark Riff Raff & Co.’s second anniversary, let’s go back to where it all began with owner, Emma. She reflects back on how the business started, what it means to her and what she’s learnt along the way. RIFF RAFF & CO. – THE BEGINNING Why did you start Riff Raff & Co.?...
Signs of an overtired baby & what you can do
Overtired baby? Signs to look for and what you can do. Overtired baby? Let’s be honest, we’ve all been there and often, it’s not pleasant!! Have you heard yourself saying that your little one ‘just isn’t tired’ or they’re always ‘fighting sleep’? Instead, it’s very likely that your child is overtired! What happens when a baby is overtired? Why do they get so cranky? When a child becomes overtired, their...
Surviving two (or more) under two! Riff Raff staff tell it like it is.
You see them at the shops or at the park – those mums with really close age gaps between their kids. Two kids under two - who in their right mind does that? For many families, it happens by accident but for others, it’s well planned. If you find yourself in the kids-super-close-in-age boat or are thinking about it, then this little article is just for you. Grab a cuppa...
Buying Your Backup Riff Raff - Are They Interchangeable?
If you are reading this, your little one already has a bestie of their own. Now the question has come. Do you need a back up? The answer is YES! When designing these characters we ensure that every new pal passes the ‘is it Riff Raff?’ test. We could make every animal suggested to us, but we stick to a ‘look’ to ensure that your little ones can feel the...